II electrodes are designed especially for use with the AED Plus, and are
also compatible with the M Seriesâ„¢, allowing continuity of care*. The
AED Plus does not rely on a resistor or other hardware in the wires to
reduce delivered energy. Anatomical diagrams on the package facilitate
proper pad placement. ZOLL AED
Pediatric Pads, Pedi-Padz ll - Zoll Two (2) piece pediatric
defibrillation pads for use on children/pediatrics (less than 8 years
old or under 55 lbs). Zoll Pediatric Pads feature a Two (2) year shelf
life. When the ZOLL AED
Plus is upgraded to include version 5.1 software, the ZOLL AED unit
will recognize which pads are connected (adult or pediatric pads) and
perform a heart ECG analysis specifically for children. ZOLL AED
Pediatric Energy levels are controlled within the unit, not in the pads.
All units purchased after April 5, 2004 have been upgraded to allow for
pediatric pad capabilities prior to shipping. ZOLL AED Plus Pediatric Pads, 8900-0810-01